Well, April 20th is just around the corner and is the day that I repel off the Woodlands Tower, a thirty-one story glass building towering over the Woodlands Town Center. The good news is that we only repel to the garden on top of the 11 story garage which should be a “walk in the park” as they say 😊.
Why, you might ask, would a 75-year-old grandmother of nine want to do that? Well, first let me tell you about Camp For All and the reason I am participating in this year’s event.
Camp For All is truly barrier-free, not just accessible. It is uniquely designed to serve children and adults with multiple challenges. The outcomes for every activity are about emotional healing and helping campers realize they are not defined by their challenge. All programming is “adaptive” meaning that the activities can be accomplished in multiple ways so that all can participate.
I, personally, have always felt that we need to give back for all we have been given. Camp For All helps so many individuals challenge themselves to prove that they can accomplish things they never thought possible. Therefore I am challenging myself to overcome any fears of height and repel “over the edge” to raise money for this great cause. I have almost reached my original goal of raising $10,000, but am now increasing the challenge to go “over the goal” before I go “over the edge”.
If you would like to donate to this great cause, there is a link at the bottom of this letter that you can donate directly to Camp for All for my team. Any amount is greatly appreciated, and I hope you will see us at the event on April 20th. Our time to repel is approximately 10 a.m..
Thank you and I hope to see you there.
-Beth Ferester
DONATION LINK- https://secure.qgiv.com/event/ote24/team/948273/